Please consider supporting our programs and community events with your donation. Your donation will be used to enrich our summer camps and seasonal celebrations, build community resources, and fulfill our mission to awaken and strengthen the community through celebration, education, the arts, and our relationships with one another and the natural world.
Our Successes in 2024
As we enter a new year, we ask for your tax-deductible donations to keep us thriving and succeeding. We acknowledge all the ways we are blessed to be part of this beautiful community!
Here are some of last year's successes:
Here are some of last year's successes:
- Over 120 campers attended our nine weeks of summer camp! Many of whom were brand new to AllTogetherNow!
- Diversifying our community! We helped raise a combined $8,700 to fund our summer camp scholarship program and make attendance to the BIPOC & Multi-Lingual Learners camp totally free. More info here.
- Seasonal celebrations! Through our partnership with Montpelier Parks we had another successful Ice on Fire event with approximately 1,200 attendees! All 1,100 Enchanted Forest sold out in 24 hours, and All Species Day was celebrated by hundreds in the steady rain!
- We received a $4,000 grant from the Vermont Community Foundation to support All Species Day 2025!
- We hosted a Stone Circle building workshop and are marking the monthly rising and setting of the sun to build a stone circle Earth Calendar.
- Fire Code work complete! With your financial support we installed egress windows, upgraded the furnaces, and installed firewalls and ceilings in the basement.
- Energy resilience: We upgraded our solar tracker photovoltaic panels and installed a powerwall backup battery system. When the grid goes down we will have power and produce all of our own electricity needs from the sun!
- We've expanded our driveway to improve parking and added a traffic circle for summer camp.
- More trees planted!
- Updated website launched!
How We Hope To Grow
We have several funds accepting donations. All donations are tax-deductible. Donations of more than $250 can be sent by check to: AllTogetherNow Corp., 20 Wyvern Way, East Montpelier, VT 05651 (please indicate which fund you would like to donate to).
This year we celebrated 20 years at our Community Art Center in East Montpelier! We wish to continue enriching our community for another twenty years, but in order to do so we need to purchase the beautiful 1880s farmhouse that houses the Community Arts Center and anchors all of our work. The farmhouse also provides affordable housing for five renters within a co-housing structure. To accomplish our goals we seek to raise $100,000 by 2029 in donations and annual pledges. With this financial foundation we will have the funding needed to secure our future and grow our organization. By owning and maintaining the farmhouse, AllTogetherNow! will be able to make ongoing investments in the property and place-based programming. Your donation to the ATN General Fund (link below) will help us reach this goal. You may donate at the General Fund link below or contact us for other contribution options.
This year we celebrated 20 years at our Community Art Center in East Montpelier! We wish to continue enriching our community for another twenty years, but in order to do so we need to purchase the beautiful 1880s farmhouse that houses the Community Arts Center and anchors all of our work. The farmhouse also provides affordable housing for five renters within a co-housing structure. To accomplish our goals we seek to raise $100,000 by 2029 in donations and annual pledges. With this financial foundation we will have the funding needed to secure our future and grow our organization. By owning and maintaining the farmhouse, AllTogetherNow! will be able to make ongoing investments in the property and place-based programming. Your donation to the ATN General Fund (link below) will help us reach this goal. You may donate at the General Fund link below or contact us for other contribution options.
Help us continue to enrich all of our events and programming including summer camps, seasonal festivities, and earth stewardship. Help us buy our Community Arts Center building!
Full and partial scholarships are available to families who otherwise could not afford to pay for summer camp. These scholarships help us diversify our community and give the gift of summer fun to many more children!
In addition to our regular camp schedule, AllTogetherNow! hosts a one-week free summer camp for middle and high school BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Color) and multi-lingual learners, organized by Beth Merrill in partnership with local BIPOC educators. Donations contributed to this fund go specifically towards funding this one-week camp.
Thanks to all who donated to our Keep ATN Alive! fund in 2023 and 2024! With your help we successfully raised the funds we needed to pay for necessary fire safety upgrades to our Community Arts Center. 💚
Support Us By Shopping with the Just Food Hub

Just Food Hub’s mission is to offer community groups, like AllTogetherNow, a continuous fundraiser for their valuable work in our communities. With your purchase of real organic and fair-traded food including coffee, chocolate, tea, cheese, and hot sauce from cooperative farms in the Global South and small US organic farms, AllTogetherNow will receive 30% of the proceeds from all purchases when you click AllTogetherNow at the checkout. You can order online and receive free delivery in Barre, East Montpelier, Marshfield, Montpelier, and Plainfield, and they can ship elsewhere for an additional charge.
Just Food Hub collaborates with Equal Exchange, a workers cooperative food business. Equal Exchange endorses organic and sustainable farming practices and democratic and worker-owned farming cooperatives throughout the Global South, Palestine, and the United States.
Orders of $75 or more will come with a free natural cotton shopping bag.
Just Food Hub collaborates with Equal Exchange, a workers cooperative food business. Equal Exchange endorses organic and sustainable farming practices and democratic and worker-owned farming cooperatives throughout the Global South, Palestine, and the United States.
Orders of $75 or more will come with a free natural cotton shopping bag.